“Feeling -my -ay- through- the- darkness~(在黑暗中寻着我的路)
Guided -by -a -beating- heart~(遵从心的指引)
I -cant -tell- here -the- journey- ill- end~(我无法告诉你人生何时结束)
But- I- kno- here -to- start~(但我能告诉你,从何处开始!)”
“They -tell- me -Im- too- young- to- understand~(他们说我太年轻所以不懂)
They -say -Im- caught- up- in- a dream~(他们说我其实就是在做梦)
ell -life- ill- pass- me -by- if- I- dont- open- up- my- eyes~(如果我的眼睛不张开,那么我就错过了我的年华)
ell -thats- fine- by -me~(那好吧)”
“So- ake- me -up- hen- its- all- over(那就叫醒我啊,当这一切都结束)
hen -Im- iser- and- Im- older~(当我阅历更丰富年纪更大)
All -this- time- I -as- finding- myself~(那时我会找到自我)
And -I -didnt- kno- I as- lost~(好吧,我不知道自己迷失了)
So -ake- me- up- hen- its- all- over~(那就叫醒我啊,当这一切结束)
hen -Im- iser- and- Im -older~
All -this- time -I -as- finding- myself~
And -I -didnt- kno -I as- lost~”
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